Clearinghouse for Knowledge

Green-Gray Case Studies

The eNetwork provides a platform for disseminating information generated by its series of case studies across sub-Saharan Africa. These studies are drawn from ongoing research as well as applications-oriented projects that implement green-gray technologies and water infrastructure.  Collectively, our case studies address a broad spectrum of water security challenges from water supply and sanitation to land and water management for improved green-gray synergies. Associated with each case study will be a bibliography of relevant reports and peer-reviewed studies generated by the project itself or upon which its specific activities have been based.

There are three categories of case studies: Some are at the local scale where implementation is more focused. To explore the broader feasibility of green-gray approaches, some are at the basin scale, and others are at the country level. In this way, the eNetwork can engage knowledge providers and users at multiple scales and present to decisionmakers integrated approaches to water security.

Key Publications

Below are Key Publications we find relevant to Water Sustainability.  Click to View / Download.